Come visit the Good Neighbors Personal Essential Pantry!
We are a member of the PEPartnership Alliance providing personal & household supplies to families in need. Products offered range from toothbrushes to toilet paper as well as many cleaning supplies.
Who can use the pantry?
PEP is available to ALL individuals and families in need. The services are free; you don't have to be registered with any agency; there's no huge pile of paperwork to be filled out. If you are at or below the federally-approved DCFS income limits, you're eligible for help from the Pantry. You're welcome whether you're a single adult or a household of adults or a household with kids.
What items are available?
Because our inventory is computer-managed, you may visit any of the pantries whenever you need, as often as you need, as many times as you need. (This doesn't mean that you can get every product you want every time you come; but you should be able to get every product as soon as you are eligible. Products are portioned based on family size and expected normal product use.) Quantities at the pantry are limited and given out on a first come basis.
Watch the video below to learn more about the GNPEP: